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#ProgrammingKnowledge #PHPREST #MySQL PHP REST API Tutorial (Step By Step) 1 - What is a REST API + Project... What is REST ? What is a REST API ? REST is an architectural style which is based on web-standards and the HTTP protocol. This style was initially described by Roy Fielding in 2000. Roy Fielding was also One of the principal authors of the HTTP specification. REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer.
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Golang Web Course

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Variables Golang Variables Solution Golang Func Exercise Golang Func Golang Func Parameters Go Programming Project... Learn to build real, production-grade web applications from scratch. ... In this course we build and deploy a photo sharing application complete with users
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Machine Learning Tutorial in Python

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Learning Tutorial | Azure Tutorial | Azure Training | Edureka Machine Learning Projects | Machine Learning Project... his Edureka Machine Learning Full Course video will help you understand and learn Machine Learning Algorithms in detail. This Machine Learning Tutorial is ideal for both beginners as well as professionals who want to master Machine Learning Algorithms.
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Bootstrap Responsive Web Design Tutorial For Beginners

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Bootstrap Tutorial For Beginners 14 - Adding Glyphicons in Bootstrap How to Create Twitter Bootstrap Project... This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This help support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.
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The template hierachy in action [Mini Wordpress development course] [INTERMEDIATE LEVEL] Lesson 11 : Project... This course may have 'mini' in its title but there is nothing mini about what you are going to learn. In this course, you will learn : - How WordPress works behind the scenes to display content on your website - How to build your own custom page templates - How to write WordPress functions - How to work with WordPress template tags - How to create custom image sizes - How to regenerate thumbnails
3 godziny
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Python Tutorial for Beginners

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Install PyCharm Python IDE on Ubuntu Linux + Create and Run First Project Python Programming Tutorial... Feel the real power of Python and programming! The course offers you a unique approach of learning how to code by solving real world problems. Throughout the course we will be understanding how to identify and formulate the problems, what is the key to a great app, we will learn how to efficiently adopt the problem for the computer and the most important that you will be writing a lot of code! The course is structured in a way that lectures are like labs where we study the material, do the quizzes, write programs and test them! The most important that you will be involved into work a lot in order to get the best experience! Python is one of top 5 programming languages today. If you want to pursue a career, this language is a must for you. This course has been created for beginners. You will start the training from the ground up and will get to know the python language and its potential in and out. In this Python for Beginners course, Instructor will teach you how to quickly write your first program in Python! You will also learn how to create custom modules and libraries. Take this course now online Python course and master your skill! This tutorial will include python 2.7 tutorial for beginners, python 3.3 tutorial for beginners, python tutorial for beginners with examples, python scripting tutorial.
119 godziny
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Ultimate Laravel для начинающих

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Laravel tutorial Lesson 30: Array Input Handling - Ultimate Laravel tutorial Lesson 31: Intro to Blog project... This course is crafted by industry leaders to train developers and get them on track with Laravel quickly. We noticed that people learn fastest when working on real-world applications instead of only learning different parts of Laravel framework. It is important to learn how components in Laravel work with each other
7 godziny
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Netbeans Java GUI with Sqlite (MySql ) Database

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Create netbeans project and download SQLite Manager from firefox (web browser) Java prog#2 .... Introduction Java Swing Intro Java Swing Shape JFrame JFrame JFrame Examples Layout Java Swing Layout Managers FlowLayout BorderLayout CardLayout BoxLayout GridLayout GridBagLayout SpringLayout GroupLayout Event Event Basic Component JComponent JButton JLabel JPanel Text Component Text Components JTextField JPasswordField JFormattedTextField JTextArea JEditorPane JTextPane Selection Component JToggleButton JCheckBox JRadioButton JComboBox JList JSpinner Advanced Component JScrollBar JScrollPane JProgressBar JSlider JSeparator Menu JToolBar JTable JTree JTabbedPane JSplitPane Dialog JDialog Standard Dialogs JFileChooser JColorChooser Utilities JWindow Colors Borders Font Swing and Thread Look and Feel Drag and Drop MDI Toolkit java.awt.geom Package AffineTransform Arc2D Area CubicCurve2D Ellipse2D GeneralPath java.awt.font Package GlyphVector java.awt.event Package ActionEvent ActionListener AdjustmentEvent AdjustmentListener AWTEventListener ComponentAdapter ComponentEvent ComponentListener ContainerListener FocusAdapter FocusEvent FocusListener HierarchyEvent HierarchyListener InputEvent ItemEvent ItemListener KeyAdapter KeyEvent KeyListener MouseAdapter MouseEvent MouseListener MouseMotionAdapter MouseMotionListener MouseWheelEvent MouseWheelListener WindowAdapter WindowEvent WindowFocusListener WindowStateListener java.awt.dnd Package DnDConstants DragGestureListener DragSource DragSourceContext DragSourceListener DropTargetDropEvent DropTargetListener java.awt.datatransfer Package Clipboard ClipboardOwner DataFlavor Transferable java.awt Package BasicStroke BorderLayout CardLayout Color Cursor Desktop DesktopManager DisplayMode EventQueue FlowLayout FocusTraversalPolicy Font FontMetrics GradientPaint Graphics Graphics2D GraphicsConfiguration GraphicsDevice GraphicsEnvironment GridBagConstraints GridBagLayout GridLayout Image ItemSelectable KeyboardFocusManager LayoutManager LayoutManager2 Point Rectangle Robot Shape SplashScreen SystemColor SystemTray TexturePaint Toolkit Transparency TrayIcon javax.swing Package AbstractAction AbstractButton AbstractCellEditor AbstractListModel AbstractSpinnerModel Action ActionMap BorderFactory BoundedRangeModel Box BoxLayout ButtonGroup ButtonModel CellEditor ComboBoxEditor ComboBoxModel DefaultBoundedRangeModel DefaultCellEditor DefaultComboBoxModel DefaultListModel DefaultListSelectionModel GrayFilter GroupLayout Icon ImageIcon InputMap InputVerifier JButton JCheckBox JCheckBoxMenuItem JColorChooser JComboBox JDesktopPane JEditorPane JFileChooser JLabel JList JMenu JMenuBar JMenuItem JPanel JPasswordField JProgressBar JRadioButton JSeparator JSpinner Swing JFC Accessible0, Actions, Alignment, Applet, Basics0, Border ,BorderFactory, BoundedRangeModel, BoxLayout, Button, ButtonGroup, CheckBox Button Color Chooser, ComboBox0, Container, Cursor, Customized Component, Customized Layout,DefaultMetalTheme, Dialog, Document Event, Drag Drop, EventListenerList, File Chooser ,Focus, Formatted TextField, Frame, GlassPane, GridBagLayout, GUI Utilities ,Help, InternalFrame, JTextComponent, Key Stroke, Label, LayeredPane ,Layout, List, Look Feel, MDI, Menu, OptionPane ,Panel, Password Field, Popup menu, ProgressBar, ProgressMonitor, Radio Button ,RootPane, ScrollBar, Scrollpane, Slider, Spinner, Splash Screen ,Splitpane, Swing Utilities, SwingWorker, Synth Look feel, TabbedPane, Table Column Table Model, Table Renderer Editor, Table0, Text EditorPane, TextArea, TextField ,TextPane0, Timer, ToggleButton, Toolbar, Tooltip, Tree Model Tree Renderer Editor, Tree, UI0, Undo Redo, Various Event Listener, Window ,Swing Components,Action Framework, Animation, Border, Button Bar, Button, Calendar ,Chart, Clock, Color Chooser, ComboBox, Data Binding Master Slave, Data Binding Value Types ,Data Binding, Data Validation, Dialog, Dir Chooser, Dockable, Dual List ,Email Client, Event Schedular, Font Chooser, FormLayout, GlassPane, Grid Table ,Item Chooser, JGoodies Looks, JSpinField, Label, LayeredPane, Link Button ,List, Outlook Bar, Panel, Property Sheet Table, Separator, Slider ,Status Bar, Swing Balloon, TabbedPane, Taskpane, TextField, Tip of the Day ,Tree, TreeTable, Wizard, SWT JFace Eclipse D0, Application Window, Browser HTML, Busy Indicator, Button, Calculator Calendar, Canvas, Caret, Clipboard, Combo, CoolBar Cursor, Custom Control, Dialog, Drag Drop, Eclipse Plugin, Editor Event0, File Browser, File Dir Chooser, Focus, Font, Form Group, IN, Image, JFace Dialog, JFace Registry, Label Layout0, Link, List Viewer, List, Menu, Monitor Mouse Key0, MVC, OpenGL, Password, PopupList, Preferences Print, ProgressBar, Radio Button, Sash, SashForm, Scale Scroll, ScrollBar, Shell Display, Slider, Small Application, Spinner Split, Status Bar, StyledText, SWT Swing AWT, Tab, Table TableTree, Text, Thread, ToolBar, Tooltips, Tree Undo Redo, View Form, WIN, Wizard,
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Jenkins API Python Tutorial: Analyze Jenkins Build Data (DevOps project) Advanced Software Development... This playlist contains DevOps related videos!
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Курс AWS Certification Training

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Questions and Answers 2021 | AWS Certification Training | Edureka AWS vs Azure | Difference Between Microsoft... This Edureka video on "AWS Full Course" is a complete AWS Tutorial for beginners who want to learn AWS from scratch with examples and Hands-on. This AWS tutorial will help you learn various AWS services like AWS EC2, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS VPC, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudFront, AWS CloudWatch and more. After watching this video you have skills of an AWS Solution Architect and you will clear AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification in one go.
95 godziny
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Android App Development For Beginners : Make a full app

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Lesson 3 : Variables [Android App Development For Beginners : Make a full app] Lesson 4 : Creating a Project... In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Android and build an app . I will walk you through downloading the necessary software (Android Studio and the Java Development Kit), teach you the fundamentals of programming, and at the end we will build a two android apps. You will accomplish all this in 7 days.
2 godziny
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JasperReports® iReport Tutorials

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Searches related to jasperreports ireport jasperreports forums ireport forums jasperreports project home... Open Source Java Reporting with JasperReports and iReport JasperReports for Java Developers A Tutorial on Reporting in JAVA using JasperReports iReport Reports made easy with JasperReports Download JasperReports 4.7.1 Jasper Reports For Java Developers Jasper Reports Tutorial Java tutorial netbeans
6 godziny
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Kotlin Android Tutorial - For Android O Development

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tutorial, kotlin android tutorial for beginners, kotlin android tutorial full, kotlin android tutorial project... I will also share the final source code of all applications that we create during the course. So you will be able to compare the With the right mindset, understanding, and application of the teachings in this course, you will instantly begin learning how to become a professional Android Developer! When I learn something new about Kotlin, I add it to the course -at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.
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Game Programming Tutorials

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Functional Programming JavaScript + HTML5 GameDev Tutorial: 8-Ball Pool Game (part 1) JavaScript Tic Tac Toe Project... Learn how to create a 2.5D Platformer game with Unreal Engine in this full tutorial using C++. In this beginner's course, you will how to create a game with Unreal Engine and Blueprints.
47 godziny
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Golang Informative

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Best websites to learn Golang in 2021 Top 7 Golang Side Project Ideas Golang is TRASH!!!... Learning a brand new programming language can be unnerving. They all have their quirks, and is often hard to remember what does what. Libraries get dropped and or changed completely. Packages break for no reason.
5 godziny
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