Więcej informacji o kursie

Wideo o kursie

All of my courses include step-by-step tutorials and hands-on exercises. The tutorials show you what to do. The hands-on exercises allow you to practice what you have just seen. These hands-on exercises also come with all of the files you need and video solutions so that you can learn more quickly and effectively.
Zajęcia 134
Godziny 14
Częstotliwość codziennie
Rodzaj szkolenia online
Egzamin wstępny
Sprawdzanie prac domowych
Projekt dyplomowy
Pomoc w zatrudnieniu
Kategoria wiekowa dla dorosłych
Poziom szkolenia Podstawowe
Język English

Czego nauczysz się na tym kursie?

  • What is SQL?
  • Why learn SQL?
  • What is SQL used for?
  • How long does it take to learn SQL?
  • How can I learn SQL from scratch?
  • Which careers require knowledge of SQL?
  • What else should I learn to complement my SQL skills?
Przeczytaj więcej o programie kursu

O YouTube channel Learn To Code

Learn To Code is all about programming - for beginners and experienced devs, there are videos here for everyone. Primarily this channel covers Web Development using Go, HTML, CSS, & JavaScript.

Do strony internetowej kursu
YouTube channel Learn To Code

Learn To Code is all about programming - for beginners and experienced devs, there are videos here for everyone. Primarily this channel covers Web Development using Go, HTML, CSS, & JavaScript.

Więcej informacji o szkole