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Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced in-memory key-value store where keyas can contain data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Redis Can be used as Database, a Caching layer or a Message broker.
Zajęcia 14
Godziny 7
Częstotliwość codziennie
Rodzaj szkolenia online
Egzamin wstępny
Sprawdzanie prac domowych
Projekt dyplomowy
Pomoc w zatrudnieniu
Kategoria wiekowa dla dorosłych
Poziom szkolenia Podstawowe
Język English

Czego nauczysz się na tym kursie?

  • Introduction
  • How To Install Redis On Windows
  • How To Install Redis On Ubuntu Linux
  • How To Install Redis On Mac OS X
  • Redis strings commands
  • more commands (SETEX, SETNX, INCR, DECR, MSET...)
  • Redis Hashes
  • Redis Lists
  • Redis Sets
  • Redis Sorted Sets
  • Redis Publish Subscribe
  • Redis Crash Course | Redis Tutorial
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O YouTube channel ProgrammingKnowledge

Hi Guys, 

I have Always been asked to share my code which I use in my video. Answering people’s questions is great, and the feeling you get when you solve a problem always felt good. 

Do strony internetowej kursu
YouTube channel ProgrammingKnowledge

Hi Guys, 

I have Always been asked to share my code which I use in my video. Answering people’s questions is great, and the feeling you get when you solve a problem always felt good. 

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