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Welcome to this course on ruby. Ruby is An open-source project object-oriented, dynamic, Very High Level Language scripting language. Ruby on Rails (RoR) is Development framework for web applications written in Ruby Used by some of famous sites.
Zajęcia 24
Godziny 11
Częstotliwość codziennie
Rodzaj szkolenia online
Egzamin wstępny
Sprawdzanie prac domowych
Projekt dyplomowy
Pomoc w zatrudnieniu
Kategoria wiekowa dla dorosłych
Poziom szkolenia Podstawowe
Język English

Czego nauczysz się na tym kursie?

  • Getting Started With Ruby
  • How to use Conditions and Operators in Ruby
  • Arrays in Ruby
  • Strings and Hashes in Ruby
  • Date and Time in Ruby
  • Classes and Objects in Ruby
  • Install Ruby On Rails on Windows 10
  • Getting started with basics - Routing and Rendering in Rails
  • Extending - Routing and Rendering in Rails
  • Passing Params in Rails Route, Redirect Route
  • Writing a Rails Model
  • Setting up the Bootstrap form on Frontend in the Rails app
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O YouTube channel ProgrammingKnowledge

Hi Guys, 

I have Always been asked to share my code which I use in my video. Answering people’s questions is great, and the feeling you get when you solve a problem always felt good. 

Do strony internetowej kursu
YouTube channel ProgrammingKnowledge

Hi Guys, 

I have Always been asked to share my code which I use in my video. Answering people’s questions is great, and the feeling you get when you solve a problem always felt good. 

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