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In this video, I explain what the GitLab Flow is and how it works. The GitLab Flow is the recommended branching strategy that you should use in GitLab (although it is possible to use it in GitHub and other source code management systems as well). This provides a framework for your development workflow if you or your organization is working in GitLab.
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Język English

Czego nauczysz się na tym kursie?

  • GitLab Flow Environment Branches: GitLab Flow Release Branches By performing the GitLab Flow, you'
  • ll learn how to: Open, update and merge Merge Requests Open GitLab Project issues Collaborate through a Merge Request Use feature branching Sync changes between local Git repository and remote repository Merge Methods in GitLab Environment branches Clone a GitLab Project
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O YouTube channel Tech and Beyond With Moss

Hello and thanks so much for your support! I’m an experienced DevOps Engineer working in the Autonomous Vehicle space. I like to create videos about software development and I frequently focus on DevOps.

On my YouTube channel, you’ll find in-depth tutorial videos.

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YouTube channel Tech and Beyond With Moss

Hello and thanks so much for your support! I’m an experienced DevOps Engineer working in the Autonomous Vehicle space. I like to create videos about software development and I frequently focus on DevOps.

On my YouTube channel, you’ll find in-depth tutorial videos.

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