O szkole

CodeGym is an online course for learning Java programming from scratch. This course is a perfect way to master Java for beginners. It contains 1200+ tasks with instant verification and an essential scope of Java fundamentals theory. To help you succeed in education, we’ve implemented a set of motivational features: quizzes, coding projects, content about efficient learning, and a Java developer’s career.

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Kursy szkoły CodeGym

Course Java Collections

The Java Collections course is an intensive training aimed at in-depth study of various aspects of collections in the Java programming language and related tools and technologies. Participants of this quest will be introduced to working with files and archives, as well as learn how to use various design patterns for software development. Over the course of 10 levels, participants will gain hands-on experience with JSON, Guava, Apache Commons Collections, and JUnit. They will explore in detail the garbage collection process in Java and understand the types of references. In addition, students will be introduced to version control systems such as Git and SVN, which are essential for modern software developers. This course also covers important topics such as RMI, dynamic proxy, working with Swing and web applications. Participants will learn design patterns and look at useful classes such as arrays. The course will allow you to create your own web application working with Tomcat and IDEA, and develop a client-server application using URIs, URLs, and REST services.
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Course Java Core

The course is designed for those who have already successfully completed basic Java training, namely the Java Syntax course by CodeGym. This quest consists of 10 exciting levels that provide a deep understanding of the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP), threads, serialization, and method overloading. At each level, students will be able to deepen their knowledge of OOP, learn the principles of inheritance, encapsulation, method overloading, polymorphism, and abstraction. The course will also cover the details of working with interfaces and multiple inheritance. The course participants will focus on learning about threads and its components such as Thread, Runnable, start, join, interrupt, sleep, as well as synchronization, changing threads, and working with different types of streams such as InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, and Writer. The last level is dedicated to serialization, where participants will learn how to convert Java objects into a stream of bytes and vice versa.
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