Software Development Academy

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Basia Barbara
Ukończyłam kurs Java, półroczny. Bardzo doceniam indywidualnych trenerów i kontakt z SDA. Zdecydowanie polecam ludziom ciekawych programowania, ale bez samozaparcia
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Maciek Andrzejczak
Świetny kurs (tester oprogramowania)! Bardzo dużo z niego wyniosłem i jestem pewien, że zdobyta wiedza przyda mi się w przyszłej pracy.
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It was the worst academy in existence. Teachers didn't know anything about what they were teaching. And thought us how to use ChatGPT, and nothing else. Also doing nothing will make you able to pass the course as well.
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Daniela Mile
Din dorinta de a face o reconversie profesionala si a tine pasul cu generatia noua in domeniul IT am inceput sa caut modalitati de a-mi imbunatatii cunostintele sau de a face un curs de initiere/perfectionare, asa am dat peste SDACADEMY. Si pentru asta le multumesc, chiar daca mi-a fost greu la inceput, fiind un domeniu nou pentru mine cu un volum mare de informatie. Datorita suportului Trainerilor care din punctul meu de vedere sunt foarte calificati, nimic de obiectat, am reusit sa duc la final aceasta provocare si mi-a deschis noi orizonturi. Va doresc tuturor celor care ve-ti avea ocazia sa invatati in cadrul acestei Academi sa va inzestrati cu multe caiete si pixuri pt a lua notite, cu multa vointa, si curaj pentru un viitor mai bun, SDACADEMY va va ajuta pe acest drum.
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Bratu Stefan Si Silvia
Pentru ca in viață ai nevoie de cunoștințe noi. Am urmat cursul de software tester la "SDA" Academycu cei mai fantastici traineri . Pot spune ca traineri sunt trup si suflet langa tine,nu te lasa pana nu ai inteles ce iti preda,merita sa va inscrieti,vă puteți schimba chiar jobul cu unul mai bunRECOMAND
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marian Bratu
Am urmat cursul de software tester la "SDA" Academy . Pot spune ca traineri sunt trup si suflet langa tine,nu te lasa pana nu ai inteles ce iti preda.UN MODUL ,UN SUFLET APROPIAT de fiecare elev. RECOMAND
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Sachelarie Antonia
Sunt proaspăt absolventă al cursului UX/UI Designer organizat de SDA (Software Development Academy). Cursul a fost foarte bine structurat si a reușit să acopere toate aspectele esențiale în conceperea și finalizarea unui produs destinat pieței prezente. Trainerii au fost foarte bine instruiți, cu o experiență considerabilă în domeniu și ne-au oferit răspunsuri la toate neclaritățile avute. Cursul are la dispoziție o bibliotecă de materiale, inclusiv exerciții pentru practica personală. Având în vedere toate materialele și teoria scrisă, ca în orice alt domeniu de astfel, exercițiul individual este important. Am reușit să îmi aprofundez cunoștințele și să le aplic în proiectele personale. Recomand acest curs tuturor care își doresc să urmeze o carieră ca Ux/Ui Designer.
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Dariusz Birk
Ukończyłem w SDA kurs programowania "Python od podstaw". Oceniam całość przedsięwzięcia pozytywnie. Szczególnie zwróciła moją uwagę dbałość o jakość usług w postaci często zbieranych opinii uczestników. Moje były wysokie - zaangażowana i pomocna kadra, dostępne niezbędne narzędzia do nauki programowania. Sama nauka programowania jednak nie jest łatwa i wymaga dużego zaangażowania ze strony uczestników. Niestety nie ma dróg na skróty - przyszłych programistów czeka ciężka praca. Ze wsparciem SDA może być nieco łatwiej!
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I took the Data Science course at the Software Development Academy. We had about 6, 7 trainers during the course because the first one who had chosen all his modules had some problems and kept postponing our classes. The problem was that the SDA team didn't know about this problem and we kept postponing classes until Christmas, starting in August. After that we had 2, 3 better trainers, one very good one who was also well prepared, explained well and combined theory with practice very well. With the first trainer, we did a lot of theory, I mean, only the trainer spoke and that was it, we didn't have any exercises for us to do. The subjects were ok and quite comprehensive. I recommend to those who want to do this long-term course to quit their job, although this is obviously very difficult, or to work part-time because after 8 hours of work it is very difficult to withstand another 3 hours of the course and that of 3, 4 times a week. In addition to this, there is a need for individual study. So I recommend either only the job and this course, or the course and other relaxing activities. Job, course and other extra activities do not work. People are open, but there were some organizational problems.
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Deniss Martinenas
Since the beginning of the course there where a lot of problems with teachers who were rushing with study material. Now is the time for the final project and I realized that I don't get anything. This was the worst investment in my life and to be honest better to spent this money somewhere else.
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